‘What an incredible year 2017 was! I am glad to be entering into 2018, a year that I believe will be the year of promise for so many of God’s people! With that being said, God is ex...Read More
Our YOUTH are the CHURCH of tomorrow! Won’t you join us by donating your time, talent or treasure to educating our young people at PPM? Please go to the offering tab, select the amount yo...Read More
When one thinks of a cave, he thinks of a dark, dank, dismal, disappointing place. Who in their right minds would want to find themselves stuck in a cave. But, that’s exactly where two Old...Read More
What is your story? What have you survived and lived to tell? You don’t want to miss our Women’s Intensive on Dec. 16 and 17! Bring your notebooks, pens, tissues, and an open mind a...Read More