Full Name (required)
Email (required)
Ministry Leader
Event Title
Start Time (HH:MM am/pm)
End Time (HH:MM am/pm)
Purpose of Event (Attach Agenda - DOC, DOCX & PDF files only - 10MB limit)
Type of Event
Worship ServiceTrainingOutreachMeetingRehearsalOther:
Target Audience
Recommended Attire
Is Advertising Needed?
Monthly CalendarFlyers/LeafletsBulk Calling/Text MessagingWebsitePostcardsNoneOther:
Will Refreshments Be Served?
Who will be responsible for purchasing refreshments (Name - Phone):
Does this event require assistance from another ministry?
Office of the PastorWorship SupportFamily Life & EmpowermentMusicMedia & CommunicationsOther:
Location of Event (Venue, Sanctuary or Classroom #)
Other (Address and Contact Person - Name & Phone)
Seating Style
[select seating-style "Classroom (Long Tables & Chairs)" "Theatre (Chairs Only)" "Banquet (Round Tables & Chairs)" "Boardroom (Chairs around long table)" "Other""]
How many are expected to attend?
Is there a special Guest Facilitator or Performer for this event?
Guest Facilitator or Performer's Full Contact Information
What is the guest's honorarium/performance fee?
Please list all expenses associated with guest (Description, Vendor, Estimated Cost, Deposit Amount, Deposit Date, Balance Date)
What is the total cost of the entire event?
Please check fund type if funds are requested. (If you should make a purchase in advance, funds will not be rendered without a receipt)
Purchase TypeAdvanced FundsReimbursementInvoiceCredit Card
Payee - Description of Item - Qty. - Total Amount - Date Needed