The Perfect Shepherd — One who is Chosen, Anointed and Appointed by God Himself

Pastor Lee Lyons, hailed from Panama City, Florida, has given diligent years to the duties and responsibilities of the Five-Fold Ministry (Eph. 4:11), to the growth and maturity of the saints and to an ultimate and eternal lifestyle of genuine praise and worship. After graduating from Florida A&M University in 1981, Dr. Lyons began his journey into the ministry under the Agape Evangelistic Ministry led by Minister Larry Curry. It was during those times of prayer and study of the Word that a greater awareness came concerning his God-ordained destiny.
Elder Lee A. Lyons was commissioned and ordained as Pastor of Priestly Praise Ministries, Inc. on April 10, 2004. For the next three months, bible study and prayer was conducted in the home of Pastor Lee and on August 1, 2004, Priestly Praise Ministries, Inc. held its first official worship service in Bainbridge, Georgia.
“What I am is God’s gift to me. What I become is my gift to God!” — Apostle Lee Lyons
Pastor Lyons believes in the Empowerment of the Sons of God and the true anecdote and key principle in our relationship with our God: Worship. Without true Worship, there will be a disconnect. Through Priestly Praise Ministries, Pastor Lyons desires to not only lead God's creations back to Him, but for them to know their God-given place in the Priesthood of Christ.